In the Gene Ontology databank, there are some annotations that have multilple entries, with different evidence.
For example, the annotation involving the Ryr2 gene and the GO feature GO:0006874 (cellular calcium ion homeostasis) show a tuple having evidence IEA, another having evidence ISS, and another having evidence ISO. This signifies that this annotation has a tuple Inferred from Electronic Annotation (IEA), another Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity (ISS), and another Inferred from Sequence Orthology (ISO).
In a general sense, what does this mean?
Is the existance of a valid annotation between Ryr2 gene and GO:0006874 feature trustworthy or not?
If yes, why the IEA tuple is still present?
If not, what is the correct meaning of annotations with different evidences?
Thanks a lot