I think I'm finding very often the need to bookmark interesting questions to follow up. Is this on the Biostar roadmap?
I think I'm finding very often the need to bookmark interesting questions to follow up. Is this on the Biostar roadmap?
The bookmarking feature needs to be made more visible. We are considering adding a tab called My Posts that would contain posts that a user has created/bookmarked/voted.
I have come to realise that I want to get notifications of every comment, post or question from specific people in my field (bioinformatics) because this is a fast advancing field and this would help me to keep up. Is there a way to follow the activity of specific biostars?
How about setting up an RSS feed to follow multiple users by including userids separated by '+' ? See http://www.biostars.org/rss/
A related question. I see items on Biostar labelled "1 boomark" or "2 boomark". I assume these are supposed to say "1 bookmark" or "2 bookmark"? Is this a typo?
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As Josh Herr already wrote, perhaps you may have missed that the bookmark function already exists. Click on the flag below the vote to bookmark a question, and you will receive notifications when there are new answers or comments. You can also see a list of your bookmarks, but entering your profile and clicking on "Bookmarks" Raygozakbookmarks/
I don't quite understand what feature you are in need of. If you click on the bookmark flag under the vote number (the "Click to add bookmark") on the post this will save that respective post in your bookmarks. Do you need something more than this?