I have a RNA-Seq time-series data (vertebrate development with 9 stages and 2 samples per stage). So far I mapped these reads to the genome using BWA and used these alignments to count the number of reads on the level of genes using HTSeq count since I'm not interested in exons but complete genes. I'm using these counts to first calculate frequencies of expression value for each gene, (e.g., count of particular gene/sum of all counts in a sample), and then to calculate sum of frequencies for each sample and stage. As a result of this procedure I get the cumulative values (cumulative frequency) that show how the total expression varies between the stages. The question: I want to try different normalization techniques (on the HTSeq count results) to see how they affect my cumulative expression values. How to do only the normalization(s) without the differential expression of genes that usually comes later in packages?. What are my options among the packages available?
The code that you post for using voom simply computes logCPM. If that's all you want, there's no need to run voom to get it. The benefit of running voom is to compute the weights on each observation, which you are throwing away by extracting just the
from the resulting EList object.Yes, good point. The way I interpreted the question, the person who asked just wanted to look at expression distributions resulting from using different normalizations (like logCPM) without doing differential expression testing. But that could equally as well have been done by the cpm() in edgeR without TMM, for instance. So I guess the voom() snippet was superfluous.
Is there a way to have a matrix with the data corrected for variance as in voom?
I would like to plot my samples before running DE.
Thanks for your help.
As mentioned above, voom calculates a log(count per million) but also provides a confidence weight on each observation. So with the code given above, you will in a sense get the "data corrected for variance" (while losing the confidence weights as Ryan commented) - or you can just divide the counts by million reads and take logarithms yourself. Or you could use DESeq2's rlogTransformation() or varianceStabilizingTransformation() instead.
Can you use rlog function in R to normalize HT-seq counts? The issue is that I have loaded my data matrix consisting of counts generated from HTseq for RNA-Seq time-series data. There are sort of 2 replicates. First replicate has 4 time point samples(day0,2,5,14), while the Second has 5 time point samples(day0,2,5,15,30). The data was loaded as a read.table matrix in R. The following is the script used:
But when I try to to run rlog or rlogTransformation I get the following error:
How can I improve the script to make rlog run so that I can have my HT-seq counts normalized?
Hi Mikael , I am using R code for TMM normalization, but am getting this error
I am new to R . So can you give me your R code for TMM normalization with explaination (if you can). Thanks.