Hello, I am trying to filter out common variants to get my rare varianst using Annovar. I got everything as invalid input! I got nothing in my filtered file, everything was in the invalid input I used the command: annotate_variation.pl -filter -dbtype 1000g2012apr_eur -buildver hg19 myfile.vcf humandb/ -maf 0.1
NOTICE: Variants matching filtering criteria are written to myfile.vcf.hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04_dropped, other variants are written to myfile.vcf.hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04_filtered NOTICE: Processing next batch with 0 unique variants in 232105 input lines NOTICE: Database index loaded. Total number of bins is 2766067 and the number of bins to be scanned is 0 NOTICE: Scanning filter database /humandb/hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04.txt...Done NOTICE: Variants with invalid input format were written to myfile.vcf.invalid_input
Can someone help? Thank you very much
that seems like a format problem. showing a little bit of the input file here would definitely help.
here is some of my input:
Do you have any error output files? If so, post them please.
the dropped and the filter files are both empty! I have only an invalid input file that it exactly like the input file. the errors i got i believe are the one summarized above as "NOTICE: Processing next batch with 0 unique variants in 232105 input lines NOTICE: Database index loaded. Total number of bins is 2766067 and the number of bins to be scanned is 0"