What tools would one recommend for assessing the functional impact of a Non synonymous mutation on a known crystal structure. My method so far is to completely digest the literature available, and then use Modeller or I-Tasser to predict ab initio changes and then try put the pieces together. I need to be able to say things like " Amino acid 1 can no longer Hbond amino acid 5, or disulfide bridge between amino acids 5 and 10 is no longer feasible..... ligand binding pocket A is predicted to have lower binding potential.
I know these are not easy questions to answer, and certainly not definitive, but I think a reliable prediction of the structural changes caused by a mutant is a good place to start. Any suggestions would be very helpful!
You have asked a very similar question before: How to create a reliable structural homology model of a missense mutation? and accepted the answer, this question looks almost like a duplicate. The answer to your first question also fits for this question as it lists a set of tools to predict the effect of an amino acid change given a known structure. Can you explain, what has changed?