Here I have shown two hits from bowtie (in red), both at position 1000, with a read of length 7. However, one is on the negative strand and one is on the positive.
The negative hit would be reported like this:
0 - chr14:800-1927 200 AAATGTG
What I am wondering is whether the negative strand hit spans 1000-1007 or 993-1000. The latter option is shown in my illustration.
you need to specify what format are you considering here - in all cases the format definition is the standard the adhere to - you should never just call it a "bowtie hit" - that is gateway to long term confusion
In general representing the 5' end of the reads is more useful in interpreting the data people often transform from SAM format to a (custom) format that allows an easier extraction of that that information. Still it is important to properly define these and not just use generic terms.