I'm sure I knew how to do this at one time.
I have a CNV / CNP / CNA / SV or whatever people call polymorphic structural variants nowadays. It is called esv2666691 and it is in the PLINK bed bim and fam files located here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xk2rfeixwqityol/LeGEoFSGX1
There is one SNP in high LD with this deletion: rs12628403 . Unfortunately this SNP is not genotyped or imputed on any of the four platforms we've used. So my question is this: given a list of SNPs which have successfully been imputed: what is the best way to find a SNP haplotype containing the deletions across populations? The one SNP has an R-squared of 0.90 in Asians to 0.94 in Europeans. I suspect or hope that some SNP haplotype that does not necessarily include that SNP might refine it futher.
Any help?
Thanks, Rx
The folder '/Public/1kg' does not exist.
Thanks, the problem should be fixed now.