Hi all, I hope some expert is there with pdb format. I have small motif with in pdb format. inside the pdb file i want to change Amino Acid residue into a user define name. I did that using awk and i found that orginal file opens in chimera, jmol etc but the changed file is not opening. If i manually replace AA residue then it can works like orginal motif. Please help me in finding the error in awk edited file comparing to orginal pdb file for example:
Orginal file
ATOM 1243 N TYR B 105 65.157 40.402 -13.263 1.00 13.49 N
ATOM 1244 CA TYR B 105 64.938 40.910 -11.922 1.00 13.31 C
ATOM 1245 C TYR B 105 64.747 39.748 -10.950 1.00 14.10 C
ATOM 1246 O TYR B 105 65.292 39.756 -9.849 1.00 14.27 O
ATOM 1247 CB TYR B 105 63.710 41.804 -11.884 1.00 10.62 C
ATOM 1248 CG TYR B 105 63.439 42.357 -10.511 1.00 11.78 C
ATOM 1249 CD1 TYR B 105 63.921 43.597 -10.128 1.00 11.65 C
ATOM 1250 CD2 TYR B 105 62.682 41.640 -9.598 1.00 14.01 C
ATOM 1251 CE1 TYR B 105 63.648 44.113 -8.869 1.00 13.06 C
ATOM 1252 CE2 TYR B 105 62.401 42.149 -8.338 1.00 15.13 C
ATOM 1253 CZ TYR B 105 62.882 43.386 -7.981 1.00 13.16 C
ATOM 1254 OH TYR B 105 62.548 43.905 -6.748 1.00 14.20 O
ATOM 1255 N GLY B 106 63.959 38.758 -11.352 1.00 13.40 N
ATOM 1256 CA GLY B 106 63.744 37.615 -10.491 1.00 14.83 C
ATOM 1257 C GLY B 106 65.044 36.864 -10.231 1.00 15.24 C
ATOM 1258 O GLY B 106 65.287 36.428 -9.107 1.00 13.96 O
Edited Using AWK
ATOM 1243 N A01 B 105 65.157 40.402 -13.263 1.00 13.49 N
ATOM 1244 CA A01 B 105 64.938 40.910 -11.922 1.00 13.31 C
ATOM 1245 C A01 B 105 64.747 39.748 -10.950 1.00 14.10 C
ATOM 1246 O A01 B 105 65.292 39.756 -9.849 1.00 14.27 O
ATOM 1247 CB A01 B 105 63.710 41.804 -11.884 1.00 10.62 C
ATOM 1248 CG A01 B 105 63.439 42.357 -10.511 1.00 11.78 C
ATOM 1249 CD1 A01 B 105 63.921 43.597 -10.128 1.00 11.65 C
ATOM 1250 CD2 A01 B 105 62.682 41.640 -9.598 1.00 14.01 C
ATOM 1251 CE1 A01 B 105 63.648 44.113 -8.869 1.00 13.06 C
ATOM 1252 CE2 A01 B 105 62.401 42.149 -8.338 1.00 15.13 C
ATOM 1253 CZ A01 B 105 62.882 43.386 -7.981 1.00 13.16 C
ATOM 1254 OH A01 B 105 62.548 43.905 -6.748 1.00 14.20 O
ATOM 1255 N A02 B 106 63.959 38.758 -11.352 1.00 13.40 N
ATOM 1256 CA A02 B 106 63.744 37.615 -10.491 1.00 14.83 C
ATOM 1257 C A02 B 106 65.044 36.864 -10.231 1.00 15.24 C
ATOM 1258 O A02 B 106 65.287 36.428 -9.107 1.00 13.96 O
As Istvan notes the PDB file format uses fixed width columns, for details see the format documentation on http://www.wwpdb.org/docs.html.
The fixed width nature of the columns in the PDB format causes problems for large structures where the specific columns may not be wide enough. The PDBML and mmCIF formats avoid this problem, and will be used for all of the large structures in future (see Deposition and Release of PDB Entries Containing Large Structures).