i am a newcomer in bioinformatics. I am confused about the installation of tophat-1.2.0.Linux-x86_64, can someone tell me the detail procedure for it?
Thanks a lot.
i am a newcomer in bioinformatics. I am confused about the installation of tophat-1.2.0.Linux-x86_64, can someone tell me the detail procedure for it?
Thanks a lot.
What have you tried so far?
The x86 binaries will only work on a 64 bit machine with a 64 operating system. If that is not the case, have a look at the other discussions on tophat here in biostar to know how to do it.
The x86.64 tar file contains binary files, which means that you can use them just by calling them, without having to install them. Just decompress the file in a folder, enter it from the terminal, and type something like:
$: cd Downloads/tophat-1.2.0.Linux_x86_64/
$: ls
AUTHORS closure_juncs COPYING fix_map_ordering juncs_db long_spanning_reads prep_reads sam_juncs sra_to_solid tophat_reports
bed_to_juncs contig_to_chr_coords extract_reads gtf_juncs library_stats mask_sam README segment_juncs tophat wiggles
$: ./long_spanning
long_spanning_reads v1.2.0 (1752)
Usage: long_spanning_reads <reads.fa/.fq> <possible_juncs1,...,possible_juncsN> <possible_insertions1,...,possible_insertionsN> <possible_deletions1,...,possible_deletionsN> <seg1.bwtout,...,segN.bwtout> [spliced_seg1.bwtout,...,spliced_segN.bwtout]
To include these files in your PATH and avoid having to enter the directory you have copied them every time, you can just edit your PATH variable (you are most certainly using the bash shell and you need to edit the bash variable).
As always, it is easier to get help from an online community if you explain what you have attempted first, and where exactly are you encountering difficulty.
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