Dear all, I have a dataset of DNA sequences containing a large amount of mixed bases. Most phylogenetic programs I have used so far do not take into account positions where at least one sequence has a mixed-base (edit : or I failed to use the right setting for this utilization). This results in a heavy loss of information in my case.
Therefore, I am now searching for phylogenetic programs or tips to construct NJ, ML and Bayesian trees while considering mixed bases as informative characters.
Do you have any advices ?
what do you mean by a mixed base? Do you mean IUPAC code (e.g. Y for pyrimidine?)?
My samples exhibit mtDNA heteroplasmy. This results in some individuals producing mixed signals with sanger sequencing at a few positions. I do use IUPAC code for these positions.
Have you tried MEGA5?
This is my opinion, but I think MEGA is a horrible program. I am not aware of any phylogenetic analysis programs that DON'T accept ambiguous bases. Information in user manuals will explain how each respective program codes for ambiguous bases or unresolved sequencing calls.
Ok. Thanks. I will study this further.
I did. MEGA can handle sequences with ambiguous bases. However, it seems that it deletes positions with ambiguity for NJ and ML tree constructions. Maybe I do not set it properly ?