Lets say these are the binding sites of MotifX:
chr2 70258563 70258573
chr2 70277815 70277825
chr2 113996917 113996927
I want to see if they are closer to a centromeric or telomeric region.
How can I calculate genomic region preference to be closer to a centromere/telomere?
My solution is this:
Here we can get Easiest Way To Obtain Chromosome Length? and centrome position
(curl -s "ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/gap.txt.gz" | gunzip -c |
awk 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"}; ($2=="chr2" && $8=="centromere") {print $2,$3,$4}'
length: chr2 243199373
position: chr2 92326171 95326171
From this we can make chromosome map:
Telomere region A = [1 ; 92326171/2]
Centromere region = [92326171/2 ; 95326171+((243199373-95326171)/2)]
Telomere region B = [95326171+(243199373-95326171)/2 ; 243199373]
TelemoreA Centromere TelemoreB
region region region
And a BED file:
cat chromosome_map.bed
chr2 1 46163085 Telomere_region
chr2 46163086 169262771 Centromere_region
chr2 169262772 243199373 Telomere_region
intersectBed -a MotifX_bs.bed -b chromosome_map.bed -wo
chr2 70258563 70258573 chr2 46163086 169262771 Centromere_region 10
chr2 70277815 70277825 chr2 46163086 169262771 Centromere_region 10
chr2 113996917 113996927 chr2 46163086 169262771 Centromere_region 10
grep -c Centromere intersectBed_output
grep -c Telomere intersectBed_output
From this we can make Fisher's test:
>table = matrix(c(3,0,3-3,3-0), ncol=2, byrow=T)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 3 0
[2,] 0 3
>fisher.test(table, alternative="greater")
Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
data: table
p-value = 0.05
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
But this seems way to complicated and probably not so accurate (it's possible to divide chromosome into bins and assign values).