I am working on a database of many species. And I found the chromosome names of ensembl and refseq are terrible to convert between each other. I found there are tables named as ucscToEnsembl on UCSC, and they are great:
mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A -N -e "select * from ucscToEnsembl;" hg19
But I manualy checked hg19, mm9, mm10, rn4, rn5, dm3, and Zv9, only hg19 and mm10 have this table. So are there ready tables to sovle the problem? Thanks for any suggestion.
Thank you, Pierre. The information is interesting. It is the way to convert chromosome names of NCBI to of Ensembl way, is there the way to convert ucsc's to NCBI's?