Hi all,
I am using cummeRbund, an R visualization package for Cufflinks high-throughput sequencing data.
I want to create a gene sets to be able to analyse the differentially expressed genes I'm interested in. THis is what the manual suggests:
> data(sampleData)
> myGeneIds<-sampleIDs
> myGeneIds
[1] "XLOC_001363" "XLOC_001297" "XLOC_001339" "XLOC_000132"
[5] "XLOC_001265" "XLOC_000151" "XLOC_001359" "XLOC_000069"
[9] "XLOC_000170" "XLOC_000105" "XLOC_001262" "XLOC_001348"
[13] "XLOC_001411" "XLOC_001369" "XLOC_000158" "XLOC_001370"
[17] "XLOC_001263" "XLOC_000115" "XLOC_000089" "XLOC_001240"
> myGenes<-getGenes(cuff,myGeneIds)
where sampleIDs is a vector of 'gene_id' or 'gene_short_name' values to identify the genes I wish to select.
I made a normal .txt file with my genes, which looks like this:
Then, in R, I run these commands:
myGeneIds<-read.table("my txt file")
> myGenes
CuffGeneSet instance for 1 genes
and what I got is just the analysis of the first gene in the txt file. But I have 577 genes in the txt file.
How can I make the vector with my gene_id in order to make cummeRbund work correctly?
THanks for help Federico
Six years later, did the above with the quotes and still got
CuffGeneSet instance for 1 genes
Any other way to go about this?