Does anyone here have experience using GATK for SNP and indel calling on an inbred species?
Do you do anything special with the heterozygous calls which you don't expect in an inbred species?
I am now in the situation where, after raw calling with the GATK haplotype caller, all my false positives are heterozygous calls, but also 10 % of my true positives are heterozygous calls (instead of homozygous), as checked vs snp calls based on a bac contig alignment.
I work close to a group studying inbred plants (cereals). They have been surprised to find that there was more SNP variation then they thought in their genomes.
I haven't been through inbred species, but I know GATK is doing some work on haploid genomes (not for HaplotypeCaller, but for UnifiedGenotyper though, but it works fine when using mtDNA for instante). maybe you can find some light on it: