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11.6 years ago
HI, I have a question about displaying the bed12 format in UCSC browser. I tried to convert it to bed but it doesn't work in the browser. Does anyone know how to construct a custom track for this format. I got the bed12 format from my RNAseq junction reads:
track name=junctions description="TopHat junctions"
chr1 14756 15038 JUNC00000001 294 - 14756 15038 255,0,0 2 73,69 0,213
chr1 14969 15836 JUNC00000002 144 - 14969 15836 255,0,0 2 69,41 0,826
chr1 15905 16677 JUNC00000003 12 - 15905 16677 255,0,0 2 42,71 0,701