I have few Kegg Enzyme and I want to get the Amino acids sequences for these from NCBI. Any way to get it done ? I can write the scripts but getting way to do it !! I have gon through with Biomart but seems, its not supporting KEGG and KEGG api also seems to not working in this case, Can some one suggest on this.
Thanks Syed
Can you be more specific than "KEGG api also seems to not working." What did you try? What was the error or problem? Also, what enzyme IDs do you have - give an example. Be aware that an ID such as maps to multiple genes (and so proteins) from multiple species.
Sorry for not replying here !! I solved this issue but writing my own scripts for this as I downloaded the Enzyme.dat from ebi and then mapped it with Pro-site id and hence extract in. Kegg api is not supporting any such functionality actually . Thanks for support. Syed
Feel free to add the details as a new answer; answering your own questions is fine! (and helpful for others)