How can I select the top 30% variants (based on quality) from a VCF file?
So all the the variants (or positions) that have a variant quality score (or Quality by Depth(QD) score ?) that is in the top 30% of all quality scores (or QDscores).
How can I select the top 30% variants (based on quality) from a VCF file?
So all the the variants (or positions) that have a variant quality score (or Quality by Depth(QD) score ?) that is in the top 30% of all quality scores (or QDscores).
"in the top 30% of all quality scores":
gunzip -c input.vcf.gz | awk -F ' ' -v M=` gunzip -c input.vcf.gz | grep -v -E "^#" | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | sort -k1n | tail -1` '/^#/ {print;next;} { if(($6)>= M*2.0/3.0) print;}'
If you know the minimum quality, you can use vcftools:
vcftools --gzvcf input.vcf.gz --minQ <float> ...
To find the range of your qualities you can use --site-quality
option in vcftools, in a separate command.
I wouldn't recommend hard filtering variants. If you are working with human data you can use VSQR to model false positives and false negatives.
Of course I am a huge hypocrite and commonly hard filter VCFs.
Care to tell us a little more about why you want 30%?
Because I want to use VQSR and don't have an external truth set for indels. So I want to use the top x percent of my indels as a truth set to get VQSR started. Luckily I have a BAC contig based call set for couple of MB region to to see if this works and which truth sensitivity level I should take.
I've decided to use the variants with a QD above 30 using GATK select variant:
GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SelectVariants -R reference.fa --variant input.vcf -o input_QDAbove30.vcf -select "QD > 30.0"
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Hi Pierre, An extension to the original question if I may... Would you happen to know how to get a value representing the top 10% of Phred-scaled strand bias P-value from a VCF? I would do it in excel land look at the SP value under the FORMAT column in the vcf. Wondering if there would be a command line method..