I'm trying to run an alignment of HA subtypes using ClustalOmega imported from Biopython, and I keep encountering the same error. Here's the code:
from Bio.Align.Applications import ClustalOmegaCommandline
in_file = 'H1.fasta'
out_file = 'H1_aligned.fasta'
cline = ClustalOmegaCommandline(infile = in_file, outfile = out_file, verbose = True, auto = True)
...and here's the error it generates:
ApplicationError: Command 'clustalo -i H1.fasta -o H1_aligned.fasta --auto -v' returned non-zero exit status 127, '/bin/sh: clustalo: command not found'
I've tried re-installing Biopython multiple times with no change. Any suggestions?
Is Clustal Omega installed?
That was the problem!! Thank you!
Andreas - do you want to post that as an answer, or should we just close this question?