Hi all,
I am trying to find any publicly available pipeline for whole genome bisulfite sequencing. Although there are a couple of them that I have found but either they are not properly documented (as is the case with Bsmooth (http://rafalab.jhsph.edu/bsmooth/) or they don't seem to do what I want like in the case of SAAP-RRBS (which is mainly used for RRBS and uses a different aligner (BSMAP) than the one I want ( Bismark). I was hoping if anyone knows about a pipeline which uses BISMARK for whole genome bisulfite sequencing.
regards Saad
What more do you want than is already provided by Bismark? The user guide provides all information necessary for running the program to provide methylation summarization, which can be converted to bedGraph using the provided script, and then visualized in your genome browser of choice. Are you interested in identifying differentially methylated regions?
I have different kinds of data sets belonging to illumina/ABI-solid and I was hoping there could be a pipeline which starts from fastq files till giving DMR
How about something that includes qc manipulation as well??
There are multiple levels of QC that could be done. Firstly, you can just add fastQC to your pipeline. Secondly, bismark can now create output for an M-bias plot, which looks informative. Bismark also writes its alignment metrics to a text file, so you can ensure that replicates are similar. Those are the standard QC metrics, though one could come up with more (e.g., if there was a phiX spike-in, then you could align to that to calculate the bisulfite conversion percentage).