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11.6 years ago
Hello I wanted to convert the .sam file to .bed format. I have used the following command in bedops to accomplish that
sam2bed sam2bed.foo.sam | sort-bed - > sorted-reads.bed
However i am getting the error like this
FATAL: kernel too old
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The same happened with bedops-v2.0.0a as well as bedops-v2.2.0 versions. Do i have to install samtools to do this will it not be done by bedops alone?
I think the error is because of the kernel version and may be bedops was not compiled to support older kernel versions (how old I don't know). But you can check your kernel version with command
uname -r
.Probably that would be the reason so what can i do for this?
Update your kernel :)
Hmm i am doing it in common server and it is not in my hands to do so. however i have installed it using cygwin in the local system and seems to be fine thank you for your help
You can download source code and compile it, if you have GNU GCC 4.7 or greater installed. Grab a copy of source via
and see the included README for compilation notes: http://code.google.com/p/bedops/source/checkoutThank you alex i would do that