Hi All
I would be grateful for your help with this problem.
I am annotating SNPs in vcf files from 1000 genomes project using the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor stand alone perl tool varianteffectpredictor.pl. Sometimes I am getting the correct output file, but sometimes I am having the following problems: (1) It is taking a long time to generate each output file, (2) Sometimes not all variants are being annotated; some SNPs are missed out in the output file, and (3) Sometimes I am getting no output file at all, but get the following error
$ perl varianteffectpredictor.pl -i ABCA12.vcf -format vcf -hgnc -sift b -polyphen b -condel b -o ABCA12phase.vep
Could not connect to database homosapienscore6237g as user anonymous using [DBI:mysql:database=homosapienscore6237g;host=ensembldb.ensembl.org;port=5306] as a locator: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0 at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBConnection.pm line 290, <GEN0> line 186.
-------------------- EXCEPTION -------------------- MSG: Could not connect to database homosapienscore6237g as user anonymous using [DBI:mysql:database=homosapienscore6237g;host=ensembldb.ensembl.org;port=5306] as a locator: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection::connect /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBConnection.pm:299 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection::dbhandle /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBConnection.pm:618 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection::prepare /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBConnection.pm:647 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor::genericfetch /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/BaseAdaptor.pm:509 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseFeatureAdaptor::slicefetch /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/BaseFeatureAdaptor.pm:495 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseFeatureAdaptor::fetchallbySliceconstraint /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/BaseFeatureAdaptor.pm:316 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::TranscriptAdaptor::fetchallbySlice /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/TranscriptAdaptor.pm:372 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice::getallTranscripts /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/Slice.pm:2398 STACK Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature::getallTranscriptVariations /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Bio/EnsEMBL/Variation/VariationFeature.pm:382 STACK main::printconsequences varianteffectpredictor.pl:233 STACK main::main varianteffectpredictor.pl:205 STACK toplevel varianteffectpredictor.pl:44 Ensembl API version = 62
I am not able to decipher this error message & would be grateful for suggestions about how to deal with the above problems.
are you working behind a firewall ?
In case you are interested, I've already annotated that using my own tool (SnpEff: http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/). The process takes 20 minutes or so.
Here are the results: http://www.mcb.mcgill.ca/~pcingola/1k_genomes/1000_Genomes_snpEff.txt.gz
And here is the summary page http://www.mcb.mcgill.ca/~pcingola/1k_genomes/1000_Genomes_snpEff_summary.html
Thank you Pablo. In fact, I moved to using your very useful tool (snpEff) because of the slow progress I was making with using variant effect predictor.
Great, send me an email if you have any questions.