I need to constructive comments, suggestion regarding this website creation: http://bioinformaticssoftwareandtools.co.in/
I need to constructive comments, suggestion regarding this website creation: http://bioinformaticssoftwareandtools.co.in/
what about adding some useful link like blogs or other biological sites in the left part of your site? the picture in the home page could you make it interactive so if user press on any topic like for example Genomics or Proteomics etc .. take him to a place in your site to give him a brief intro to the topic he pressed or take him to Wikipedia. can you add subscribe to your site?
There are a lot of databases and useful links listed, the descriptions are generally good. For databases certainly the list could keep growing, for example including WormBase, FlyBase, RGD, etc. There are lists of biological databases and bioinformatics tools at wikipedia, for example, but other resources can be useful as well :)
I would recommend reducing the amount of text on the home page and make it explain more directly what the site is for - i.e. it's a useful list of links to biological databases and tools.
On the databases page you could split up the NCBI entry into a table row for each database, currently the big block of text is hard to read.
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Why do you keep removing the link to your site? http://bioinformaticssoftwareandtools.co.in
If you want the post removed we can do that, but making it un-intelligible is not the way to go about it
No I dont want to delete the post.
I am renewing the website for some of the suggested change. So I wanted to remove the link for the time being, although I also tried to delete the post.
You are right, it looks unintelligent to keep the post without the link and makes no sense.
Please leave it as such with the link. Thanks.
I like that the favicon is your face
Thanks Dear. Please intimate me whether I should use a different favicon for this site (for making it more specific towards purpose of the site). It does not matter to me, if I change it. I really don't mind