What is the best discordant pair structural variant caller at the moment?
The most popular one used to be BreakDancer. But that is lacking VCF output I think and is based on my knowledge from a couple of months ago.
I think some new discordant pair callers have been released the last couple of months but I didn't check them out yet.
Is BreakDancer still the go to discordant pair SV caller or are there other good / better options for discordant pair SV calling? A caller with a nice VCF output is preferred to make downstream processing easier.
I have tried BreakDancer and GASV, GASVPro. Both worked good for me.
I've been following the DREAM SV detection competition. I've been using Delly since it does both split read and discordant pairs. It takes quite a long time to run in somatic mode but I have been pretty happy with the results. Recently I tried Manta and am still attempting to interpret the output but so far the results seem accurate although I worry it may be undercalling variants.
The OMIC tools website has a decent list of SV tools.