Hi all.
I am attempting to perform a multiple sequence alignment followed by the construction of a maximum-likelihood tree but I am, currently, restricted to the use of an old machine with a insufficient amount of RAM (512MB). I have attempted to locate a web server on which to upload the 635 sequences but I have encountered two separate problems. Either my file exceeds the 1 MB limit or the fact that several of my sequences (in fasta format) have the word 'cadherin' in the identifier line, i.e., >cadherin...
Does anyone know of a online tool I could use? My local install of Muscle (3.8) and MEGA (5.2.2) met with the same memory issue as described above. My classes start in August so I could wait and see if the problem persists once I have access to the computer lab.
Thanks all.
I think also that Galaxy could handle both, didn't know about CIPRES.