Are there any comparable programs to Genome MuSiC (Mutational Significance in Cancer) that people could recommend? My issue with MuSiC is that it will not run on Ubuntu 13.04
Are there any comparable programs to Genome MuSiC (Mutational Significance in Cancer) that people could recommend? My issue with MuSiC is that it will not run on Ubuntu 13.04
OncodriveFM is another possibility.
Oncodrive-fm is an approach to uncover driver genes or gene modules. It computes a metric of functional impact using three well-known methods (SIFT, PolyPhen2 and MutationAssessor) and assesses how the functional impact of variants found in a gene across several tumor samples deviates from a null distribution. It is thus based on the assumption that any bias towards the accumulation of variants with high functional impact is an indication of positive selection and can thus be used to detect candidate driver genes or gene modules.
DriverDB is a database that aggregates results from exome sequencing data sets and applies various tools to identify driver genes.
They have precomputed results from (notes taken from their user manual and edited for clarity):
As an admittedly biased member of the WashU Genome Institute, I think you will find the effort of working through minor OS version compatibility issues with MuSiC to be worth it.
That being said, one alternate I am aware of is MutSig from the Broad. Unfortunately, as with much of their software you have to create an account, sign in, and agree to the Broad Institute license in order to download it. The paper is here: Mutational heterogeneity in cancer and the search for new cancer-associated genes.
The Raphael lab has various tools in this general vein:
Hotnet - HotNet is an algorithm for finding significanlty altered subnetworks in a large gene interaction network.
HotNet2 - HotNet2 is an algorithm for the discovery of significantly mutated subnetworks in a protein-protein interaction network. HotNet2 uses an insulated heat diffusion model to simultaneously analyze both the mutations in and local topology of sets of proteins.
Multi-Dendrix - Multi-Dendrix (Multiple Pathways De novo Driver Exclusivity) is an algorithm that identifies sets of driver pathways in cancer without prior information by simultaneously identifying sets of genes with approximately exclusive mutations and high coverage.
Dendrix - Dendrix (De novo Driver Ex Exclusivity) is an algorithm that identifies driver groups of mutations without prior information, using the exclusivity property observed for mutations in a driver pathway.
Another option is MuteProc: code and documentation.
W e present a high throughput pipeline for identifying cancer mutation targets, capable of processing billions of variations across thousands of samples. This pipeline is coupled with our Human Variation Database to provide more complex down stream analysis on the variations hosted in the database. Most notably, these analysis include finding significantly mutated regions across multiple genomes and regions with mutational preferences within certain types of cancers. The results of the analysis is presented in HTML summary reports that incorporate gene annotations from various resources for the reported regions.
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Have you tried the instructions here? Installation of the MuSiC suite on unsupported linux distributions
Hi, thank you for your response! I was wondering if it was possible to generate a lollipop map with MuSiC?
No it is not. We are working on getting more of our software infrastructure portable though so that it would be possible to create lollipop plots.