Is there a quick way to extract genotype information about a sample from a vcf file? For a given VCF, I would essentially like to create the following table for a given sample: POS CHROM GT
Is there a quick way to extract genotype information about a sample from a vcf file? For a given VCF, I would essentially like to create the following table for a given sample: POS CHROM GT
You can do this in vcftools:
vcftools --vcf <your_vcf> --indv <your_sample> --extract-FORMAT-info GT --out <prefix>
The results will be in a file called "<prefix>.GT.FORMAT".
There's a vcftools module that does exactly what you were asking for: vcf-to-tab. the syntax is very simple:
vcf-to-tab <in.vcf >
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did you try a few 'cut's ? like cut -f 1,2,10 | cut -d ':' -f1 ?
I have a 10 line python script. Do you run how to run a python script? I can send it to you. In case you want to extract all the positions irrespective of if the given sample is polymorphic (compared to reference) for that position then you can simple use "cut" command from unix.
i would like to have a look at that script and most probably will use it. can you possibly share?