I have a network of 201 genes with around 703 edges. I have to find high-scoring, functionally enriched subnetworks. I tried to use mcode plugin for this purpose. I got around 14 subnetworks with very low score. Moreover, the functional enrichment for these networks were not very significant. There are many other cytoscape plugins as well as many ways to find such subnetworks. I would like to know which other plugins I could use for this purpose..
Can you provide more information about (1) what type of genes are in your network and (2) which types of subnetworks you are interested in?
It is a protein interaction network. Most of the genes in the network are related to diabetes and obesity. Therefore, there are many genes which are falling in the metabolic pathways, MAPK, chemokine signaling pathways etc. I wanted to segregate the pathways according to their functions and study the cross-talk between the various modules.
It is a protein interaction network. Most of the genes in the network are related to diabetes and obesity. Therefore, there are many genes which are falling in the metabolic pathways, MAPK, chemokine signaling pathways etc. I wanted to cluster the genes into modules (according to their functions/pathways) and study the cross-talk between the various modules.
So, do you want to cluster in a way that is informed by annotation (as I read your first post) or take pairs of annotated sets of proteins and study the links between them (as I read your second post)? I like both questions, and struggled with the latter for a long time.
Actually, I tried to filter out the genes based simply on annotation. The net result was that I got some groups of genes, some of which were highly connected to each other (modules performing a common function), while some genes were totally disconnected (even though some of their functions were same). The latter one seemed of no use to me as I cannot study the cross talk between them. I am more interested in studying the cross talk between the functional modules but don't know if it will be possible !