I apologise in advance as this may turn out to be extremely simple to solve!
I have one file that contains 200bp coordinates centred upon subpeak summits from MACS. These being in BED3 format.
As i have extended the coordinates +/- 100bp and there are some instances where the new subpeak coordinates overlap. However i want to make them nonoverlapping with the same coverage. I want to extract sequence for the coordinates and i do not want redundant sequence.
Anyone know of a quick method to parse the coordinates and alter then so, for example, the first coordinate would be made to end at the point where it overlaps with another?
I hope this is clear?!
Ian, you may want to provide a sample of your data.
this is an interesting case. it's an "anti-merge". i think there should be a tool for this in bedtools. anyone have an apt verb to describe this? The best I can do is "unOverlap".
You want to filter some coordinates out? It seems that in most cases it would not be possible reduce to a non-overlapping set while maintaining the same coverage.
Do you need some coordinates to be simply dropped out? It may not be possible to reduce to a non-overlapping set while maintaining the same coverage.
How about 'underlap' :)
I like underlap very much.