It seems like the page for Planet does not contain an RSS link. And returns RSS for posts. Is there a way to get a feed for Planet?
It seems like the page for Planet does not contain an RSS link. And returns RSS for posts. Is there a way to get a feed for Planet?
Ideally one should be able to create feeds to any type of content. The planet feed would look like so:
that being said, now that I looked at it this particular feed does not seem to work properly.
I never tested it as it everything feed routes through the same code so it is surprising. I do have a sense of what the problem is likely caused by - for planet feeds the posts do not have the same type of body content as the regular posts. I'll add a fix in a few days and post it back here.
Also opened a GitHub issue for it
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Ok, thank you -- I'll watch for updates.
Actually upon further investigation I was wrong about the functionality being broken.
The link above should work - I have added it to my reader and information shows up fine.