I have several .gpr files (and the corresponding .gal file) but I have no further information available to me. I've never done this before but I am trying to follow online tutorials (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/2.12/bioc/vignettes/limma/inst/doc/usersguide.pdf and http://www.computing.dcu.ie/~asirbu/R.pdf). I have pasted the header from one of the .gpr files below.
I see the "Wavelengths=635" and F635 / B635 columns - does this mean this is an array of red intensities only? What impact should this have on my analysis?
ATF 1.0
28 30
"Type=GenePix Results 3"
"ImageFiles=EDITED FOR PRIVACY.tif 0"
"StdDev=Type 1"
"FeatureType=Irregular Not Filled"
"ImageOrigin=650, 200"
"JpegOrigin=2110, 2470"
"Creator=GenePix Pro"
"Scanner=GenePix 4000B [86198]"
"Block" "Column" "Row" "Name" "ID" "X" "Y" "Dia." "F635 Median" "F635 Mean" "F635 SD" "F635 CV" "B635" "B635 Median" "B635 Mean" "B635 SD" "B635 CV" "% > B635+1SD" "% > B635+2SD" "F635 % Sat." "F Pixels" "B Pixels" "Circularity" "F635 Median - B635" "F635 Mean - B635" "F635 Total Intensity" "SNR 635" "Flags" "Normalize" "Autoflag"