Hi all,
Really fantastic tool for heatmap visualization. The latest version 2.00 can show value on the heatmap. However, it seems that the value could be only labeled as double (scientific notation), but can not with the single mode.
For example, I want to plot a heatmap from a matrix of gene neighbours count summary, that is for one gene, the count could be 1000, 1326, 2440, 2400
I want to show the exact number on the heatmap, but it seems that the gitools can only show with doube format, with the results of 1.0e+3, 1.3e+3, 2.4e+3, 2.4e+3
So any solutions?
Which tool are you talking about? Please provide a link and code example.
sorry, I am talking about the GITOOLS, I have the response from the developers, which will be improved in the next version. And I also success to plot the figure in ggplot2