I would like to find out the coverage of a whole genome sample, (i need a value like 30X). For this i have used GATK to calculate the depth of coverage with the following command:
GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -R ref.fasta -T DepthOfCoverage -I input.bam -o out.txt
The output looks like
Locus Total_depth Average_depth Depth _for_sample
chr1:252053 93 93.00 93
chr1:252054 94 94.00 94
chr1:252055 91 91.00 91
chr1:252056 91 91.00 91
chr1:252057 91 91.00 91
chr1:252058 91 91.00 91
chrX:123834044 9 9.00 9
chrX:123834045 8 8.00 8
I have calculated the mean for the Total_depth (second column) across all the chromosomes and it gives 101. Does this mean that the sample depth is 101X? Could someone comment if im interpreting wrong.
Yup for informal purpose you can say that you have an average coverage of 100x.