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11.3 years ago
Hello Fellows,
I trying to run read alignment using trinity script that is alignreads.pl
. I used the command below:
/bin/util/alignReads.pl \
-seqType fq \
-single inputfile_name \
-target Trinity.fasta \
-aligner bowtie2 \
-p 4 \
-retain_intermediate_files \
-num_top_hits 20 \
-output align_bowtie_output
but I am getting below error:
Must specify target_db and it must exist at that location at /bin/util/alignReads.pl line 180
I don't know what does that mean, as I am not good with reading script.
Hope you guys can help me out.
Hi Deedee, After placing two dashes and specifying full path. It work fine with one error about aligner. So i guess problem was with aligner bowtie2. It actually has only bowtie aligner and not bowtie2.
Thanks, Naresh
Cool, glad to hear it! Don't forget to accept the answer if it indeed resolved your question.