Hello User,
I need you with downstream analysis. I have fastq file containing sinlge end read from ion proton instrument. I have generated de novo assembly using Trinity. From there on wards, I am quite not sure how to get gene expression data?
Hope you guys can guide proper direction.
check http://trinityrnaseq.sourceforge.net/#Downstream_analyses
I read those Downstream_analysis, but it is not giving me good alignment percentage.
in that case, your assembly is bad/fragmented, did you tried to do kmer-correction before assembly?
Nope. I just used trinity.pl script to generate de novo assembly. I don't think there is any option for kmer correction.
there isn't in trinity, check for external programs. Related: k-mer correction in RNA-Seq data for transcriptome assembly?
Thanks a lot. I will definitely try that software.