I am able to run IMAGE2 after creating read.placed.original and contigs.fa.original in the required format. Here are my questions:
* Is it possible to supply multiple insert libraries to IMAGE? If yes, how?
* What is the difference between "insert size" and "velvet inslen" in submit.iteration.log?
* I am working with a bacterial genome. So I assume that all contigs will go into Supercontig1 in read.placed.original. Is that correct?
Please let me know if any question is unclear. Is there a IMAGE mailing list? I was not able to find one on the sourceforge project page. Thanks
I'm not familiar with IMAGE (yet), but working with SSPACE, I find that working iteratively, starting with libraries with small insert sizes, and ending up with the longest, tend to give better results than running them all at once.
Is it possible to supply multiple insert libraries to IMAGE? If yes, how? Ans: No
What is the difference between "insert size" and "velvet ins_len" in submit.iteration_.log?
Ans: insert size is the mapping parameter used in ssaha or bwa. velvet ins_len is the insert size used in velvet.
I am working with a bacterial genome. So I assume that all contigs will go into Supercontig1 in read.placed.original. Is that correct? Ans: Yes
I'm not familiar with IMAGE (yet), but working with SSPACE, I find that working iteratively, starting with libraries with small insert sizes, and ending up with the longest, tend to give better results than running them all at once.
could you please let me know how to create the file read.placed.original and contigs.fa.original???