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11.4 years ago
Genomes reveal roots of TB drug resistance
A very interesting read specially for Indian condition!!
Genomes reveal roots of TB drug resistance
A very interesting read specially for Indian condition!!
Shocking Finding that a Genome by Itself Provides Little Insight is the most insightful and revealing commentary on genomes. It suggests that papers and commentaries should stay away from 'reveal' and 'insight' in their titles.
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Your post is appreciated and it is nice to forward information regarding various news reports with pertinence to genomics, although requiring multiple people to edit your link it could have been done more carefully.
I think this type of post can quickly become overwhelming when you think that there are hundreds of possible posts that anyone could add here everyday with some relationship or connection to genomics. Perhaps your post would be more valuable if you wrote a commentary of the news report, the findings of the three studies which the news report discusses, or how these findings were possible through bioinformatics.
I'm not trying to be difficult, I just think it would be nice for you to provide some added value to the news article that you forwarded on to us. This would be very valuable to the community at large and I would appreciate reading your thoughts on the topic.