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11.2 years ago
Hi Community users,
I have single-end reads fastq file. I have generated denovo assembly using velvet/oases. Now I need to check how good is my assembly. So I am using aligner, bowtie. But I am confused which fasta file to use for creating bowtie index i.e. shall I used contigs.fa from velveg or transcript.fa file from oases.
Do you guys prefer --best
parameter option while running bowtie?
I would really appreciate your feedback and reponse.
Thanks Albert. I will try that.
Hi Albert, I tried bowtie with contigs.fa file, but I got only 6% alignment. Now I am trying to run with transcripts.fa. Any suggestion why alignment rate is so low. Fastq file used for alignment was trimmed to get better quality.
Thanks in advance. Naresh
that's why I said use
ohh ok. Thanks.
Hi Albert,
As per your advice I used bwa-mem for alignment it work out very well. It think I got 79% align. Can you please check my flagstat output. If I am interpreting result in correct manner.
If it is 79% align can you please help me how can I improve alignment above 90% by adding more parameter.
I used following cmd:
Appreciate your help.
there is no reason to expect a 90% alignment rate, some or many of your reads may not have ended up in the assembly
Thanks Albert! That mean I understand correctly, 79% was aligned from flagstat output?