I would like to know how complex it is to analyze NGS Data. Is it possible to learn NGS data analysis from the online resources or should we learn under the guidance of an expert? How to get the core concepts of NGS data analysis? How to configure parameters while using open source tools? (Assembly, Alignment, statistics etc ). I have a masters degree in bioinformatics with unix, perl and basic core Java skills. Any advice is appreciated.
This is a complex question. It depends on many factors: technology, experimental design, computer resources, organism, ... In some cases is really straight forward, in others is a pain in the b**. You can learn in both ways, using online resources and with expert advice, nothing guarantees making you an expert ;)
Woah, Biostars' bot must have just put this to the top of the front page, and I was thinking "But Goutham can analyze bioinformatic data. Matter o' fact I thought he was pretty good at it. Why is he asking this?"
You've clearly learned a hell of a lot in the last few years man. Congratulations to you! :)
Thanks for the appreciation. Its all about passion to learn something that really interests you. People on Biostars definitely helped a lot.
I asked this question when I was in dilemma to leave a good paying corporate job that I am not really interested Vs. to go to a research group that does a lot of genomics but with low pay. It was a risky decision for me. And I have moved to the research institute and now happy to be a Marie Curie fellow.
Dude, maybe accept both answers so the bot stops bumping the post? Nostalgia is great, but I guess we need to give the bot a sense of closure.
Exact same thought in my head. @Geek_y has grown A LOT! I'm so happy and proud!