I am calling BreakDancer and I don't get any result. This is the output file #Software: 1.3.7-unstable-6-071043d #Command: /clinicfs/projects/naranjoma/pipeline/code//breakdancer/breakdancer-max sample2.cfg #Library Statistics: sample does not contain any normals #sample2.bam mean:458.89 std:44.74 uppercutoff:617.71 lowercutoff:258.75 readlen:100 library:sample reflen:1999810 seqcov:92.9764 phycov:213.33 1:253 2:21319 3:3977 4:8128:208 32:3552 #Chr1 Pos1 Orientation1 Chr2 Pos2 Orientation2 Type Size Score num_Reads num_Reads_lib sample2.bam Max Kahan error: 0
And I see this Max Kahan Error and sample does not contain any normals While my config file is quite normal. readgroup:sample platform:illumina map:sample2.bam readlen:100.00 lib:sample num:10001 lower:258.75 upper:617.71 mean:458.89 std:44.74 SWnormality:-54.06 exe:samtools view
I have used the same command with other samples and everthing went ok. any idea?
Best regards