I started from 40 fastq files for running the RNASeq Pipeline (Tophat - cufflinks - cuffmerge), then I divided the 40 tophat folders/files to 8 processes of running cuffdiff (each process has 5 Tophat input files, accepted_hits.bam) with the same merge.gtf (from cuffmerge). I now need to put the cuffdiff results in a big table so as to compare the fkpm values among the 40 samples. The name of my tophat files are s1, s2, s3, ..., s39, and s40. Could someone tell me how to merge the cuffdiff results? thanks
Which of the cuffdiff output files do you want to merge?
the file named gene_exp.diff
They should all have the same number of lines, so you can trivially script something in python/perl/whatever (I'm presuming that you just want the coordinates, gene name, and XLOC ID). BTW, is there a reason you're not just running one instance of cuffdiff with all of the files?