Hello again.
I guess I decided to ask all the questions of this week today. I have a model organism which has not yet been sequenced. So I would go for denovo assembly. I will be running the data on multiple lanes as replicates for the same sample.
How will this affect my Genome assembly?
Are there chances of getting erroneous contigs?
Will most of my reads be discarded as k-mer filter might think of the other replicates as repetitive or false positive k-mers and discard them?
Is there any specific assembler which might avoid the above problems?
Or will it just affect the computational resources?
We are using Illumina sequencing libraries at present, and I have to say that usage of hybrid libraries is something we are not planning as of now as we need lesser errors for the reads. As you have said, the genome is large (larger than human) and highly repetitive.