Well, I'm a newbie of blast, so...hope I'm not asking a stupid question....
I've already have a set of contigs which is done by de novo assembler. Format of these contigs is fasta. Now I want to align these contigs to a reference sequence by using blast. And obtain only single e-value or a value shown the similarity between contigs and reference sequence.
I used blastn on linux system with "-subject reference.fa" command, but it only showed identity and e-value for each contig. And it would be problematic for summarizing these values.
So, is it possible for blast to do such a job? I mean, calculate a single value which can present similarity between contigs and reference sequence.
I've searched for hours and can't seem to find a straight answer. Please do help me....
Well, I just want to calculate how similar between contigs I assembled and the reference. I think there are still some metrics which can complete the task~ Anyway thanks a lot!!