I'm using Trimmomatic on gzipped paired files but the trailing low quality ends are not being trimmed?? I've done fastqc before and after and there is no removal of the trailing end poor quality reads and there are a lot. Any suggestions on what I'm missing from this comand would be appreciated.
java -jar trimmomatic-0.30.jar PE -threads 20 -phred33 /home/data/rking/MappingProject1/rawReads/A6_R1.fastq.gz /home/data/rking/MappingProject1/rawReads/A6_R2.fastq.gz /home/data/rking/MappingProject1/rawReads/A6_R1_trim15paired.fastq /home/data/rking/MappingProject1/rawReads/A6_R1_trim15unpaired.fastq /home/data/rking/MappingProject1/rawReads/A6_R2_trim15paired.fastq /home/data/rking/MappingProject1/rawReads/A6_R2_trim15unpaired.fastq TRAILING:15 MINLEN:36
Could you show some reads before and after using trimmomatic?
as Biojl puts it show a read that you think should have been trimmed but hasn't