This is a continuation to another post (bwa mapping qualities of 0) (I need to thank Istvan Albert for his generous help, Thank you)-- but I think different enough to warrant a new question.
I would like to know how others have handled this situation.
I have captured some genes and one of them happens to be COL11A2. After looking at the sam records (Thanks Istvan) I found these reads map to chr6 but also
The multiple mappings mean those reads have a mapping score of 0. I'm very sure GATK ignores reads with a mapping score of 0 -- mpileup does not exclude mapping 0 reads (well - guess it depends on your -q parameter). The mapping quality scores also go into the variant call score but I am not sure of the details on these calculations.
BTW I also checked some exomes for this region, I would imagine almost no one that uses hg19 has ever called a variant for this gene.
I want to call variants for this gene but the mapping quality score of 0 will affect my outcome.
I could remove the chr6_?? hapmap, etc fragment from hg19 but that means I am not using a std reference. I could use the ReassignMappingQualityFilter in GATK but that would reassign all 0 to whatever value.
Neither solution is perfect does someone have a better idea?