Hello, community. I want to use MEGAN to analyze my data. I have clustered reads into clusters before the BLAST runs. The read counts are written as part of the sequence name. After the BLAST, I want to count how many original reads does each GI/RefSeq get instead of how many clusters.
If I directly import the result file, MEGAN will count the cluster and not the read. So I figured I should make use of the DSV import, because the manual says MEGAN can read "RefSeq,count", so I construct a following csv file
But when I tried to import it and no matter what options did I check in the dialogue window, MEGAN failed to recognize any of the entries because it showed Not assigned not only in the taxonomy window, but also in the KEGG, COG and SEED windows.
Does anyone here has the experience working with RefSeq DSV in MEGAN. A hint will be great help!
Thank you!