Hello Biostarers,
I'm currently trying to use blat to search the hg19 database for small AA sequences (10-12 AA in length) however I'm having a difficult time getting actual output from my gfClient commands and the resulting files always appear to be blank. I believe my setup is correct, as in using the -trans flag for the gfServer and -q=prot -t=dnax for gfClient flags however I may be incorrect.
Here are the commands I've run to start the gfServer and gfClient:
gfServer -trans -mask start localhost 8127 hg19.2bit &
gfClient localhost 8127 /home/pdewaal/hg19/hg19.2bit test.fa output.psl -q=prot -t=dnax
additionally here is my test.fa file
If anyone could provide some insight I would be greatly appreciative.
My guess is maybe your query is too short for the default BLAT parameters. eg. minScore