Hi there,
I'm dealing with bacterial RNA-seq analysis. My experiment is very simple. Two samples to compare and no replicates. Reads were generated with Ion Torrent PGM using 316 chip. One for each sample and performed in different days.
Since I had too many differentially expressed genes, ¿Should I be more conservative assigning edgeR dispersion value? Also, there are considerable more up-regulated genes in exvivo than in plate sample.
See logFC_vs_logCPM figure:
Thanks for you help, Bernardo
- tmap code:
tmap map2 -f HPNK_clean.fsa -r exvivo.fastq -i fastq -s exvivo.sam --verbose
tmap map2 -f HPNK_clean.fsa -r plate.fastq -i fastq -s plate.sam --verbose
- Flasgstat:
3240242 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
2132481 + 0 mapped (65.81%:nan%)
3774075 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
3510438 + 0 mapped (93.01%:nan%)
python -m HTSeq.scripts.count -m intersection-nonempty -t CDS -i ID exvivo.sam HPNK.gff > exvivo.counts
python -m HTSeq.scripts.count -m intersection-nonempty -t CDS -i ID plate.sam HPNK.gff > plate.counts
count stats:
ex-vivo stats
no_feature 777946
ambiguous 1
too_low_aQual 0
not_aligned 1107761
alignment_not_unique 0
plate stats
no_feature 776707
ambiguous 47
too_low_aQual 0
not_aligned 263637
alignment_not_unique 0
- edgeR code:
files <- dir(pattern="*\.counts$")
RG <- readDGE(files, header=FALSE)
keep <- rowSums(cpm(RG)>1) >= 2 #we keep genes that achieve at least one count per million (cpm) in at least three samples
RG <- RG[keep,]
RG <- calcNormFactors(RG)
bcv <- 0.2 #Assigned dispersion value of 0.2
m <- as.matrix(RG)
d <- DGEList(counts=m, group=(1:2)) #modify 'group' depending on sample number. Also can be adapted to replicated samples, see'?DGEList'.
et <- exactTest(d, pair=(1:2),dispersion=bcv^2) #exactTest(RG, pair=(1:2),dispersion=bcv^2)
top <- topTags(et)
cpm(RG)[rownames(top), ] #Check the individual cpm values for the top genes:
summary(de <- decideTestsDGE(et)) #The total number of DE genes at 5% FDR is given by'decideTestsDGE'.
-1 200
0 1176
1 769
Of the 'number' tags identified as DE, 769 are up-regulated ex-vivo and 200 are down-regulated.
detags <- rownames(RG)[as.logical(de)] #detags contains the DE genes at 5% FDR
plotSmear(et, de.tags=detags) #plot all genes and highlight DE genes at 5% FDR
abline(h=c(-1, 1), col="blue") #The blue lines indicate 2-fold changes.
title("plate vs ex-vivo")
dev.copy2pdf(file = "Figure_1.pdf") #Save as .pdf##
How many PCRs should I perform if I don't do replicates?
When publishing, is it possible to avoid PCR validation having some replicates or is always necessary to do some PCRs?
There is no rule here. The important message is that to believe data, one needs some level of replication. How important a role PCR will play depends on the experimental system and hypotheses being tested. The goal of both PCR and replication is to reduce the cost of false positive results; without one or the other (or both), the cost could be high.