I hava installed blast2go on my local server, but this server do not hava X-window. so i use: java -cp .:mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar: ImportIdMapping /your/path/to/idmapping.tb localhost b2gdb blast2go blast4it to run b2g, and it comes a html file as result.
but i've read the manual of b2g, in the GUI mode, it can do a lot more, like Statistical Analysis: Enrichment analysis, Fisher exact test result table, 'enriched' graph, Sequence Distribution/Go as multlevel-Pie.
are there any other command line usage of blast2go can do this jobs?
What operating system are you using? Windows, Mac, Linux? The simplest thing might be to just get X11 working.
I'm using Linux server, and do not have X11. i know GUI mode could do all of that, but i want to know there's command line usage of B2G? Thanks for helping!