This is only true if the response was log2-transformed prior to running the model.
The easiest way to think through is probably a toy example.
x <- c(rpois(50,100), rpois(50,75))
y <- rep(factor(c("A", "B")), each=50)
That's 50 observations for each of 2 phenotypes, with the "true" fold difference between B and A being 75/100 = 3/4 ~ 2^-0.415
If you fit a linear model the betas are going to tell you the mean of each group:
(betas <- lm(x~y)$coefficients)
# (Intercept) yB
# 100.06 -23.68
(means <- tapply(x,y,mean))
# A B
#100.06 76.38
betas[1] + betas[2] == means[2]
Obviously, the betas are not he same as the log2 fold-change. To get that you can either transform the ratio of the estimates
log(sum(betas)/betas[1], 2)
# -0.3895985
Or perform the transformation before the model-fitting
# (Intercept) yB
# 6.639029 -0.389812
I forget to explain the math-sy reason why this works, which might not be immediately obvious. As we've seen, when we do a linear regression with a categorical predictor, the Beta values reflect difference in the mean value between groups. If we first log-transform the response values then, of course, we'll end up with a difference of logs. In the example that's log(100) - log(75)
which, thanks to the magic of logs, is the same thing as log(100/75)
: the log fold-difference.
To clarify about the small difference between taking the log of the ratio of betas, rather that first log-transforming the values. This arises because the log-transform also changes the shape of the distrbution and therefore the mean value. With the toy example, the means of the log transformed x
(tapply(log(x,2), y, mean)
) is slightly different than log-transform of the means of x
Thanks for your answer. So If I understood, you have 2 ways of calculating log2 fold change with betas:
1) In your exemple, the fold change is FC= mean( x( B ) ) / mean( x( A ) ). Though FC = 76.38/100.06 = 0.763342. And log2( FC ) = -0.3895985 = log(sum(betas)/betas[1], 2) .
2) If you log2 transform x before model fitting which is the case of gene expression usually after normalisation and summarization:
log2x <- log2( x ), mean( log2x( B ) - log2x( A ) ) = -0.389812 = yB.
So in that case you have the log2( FC ) = beta.
How do you explain the small difference between -0.3895985 and -0.389812 ? Are they caused by some approximation ?