I have the same question,
I have sorted the .bam file and convert it to .sam file : didnt work for ht seq, then
I have sorted the .sam file and given for ht seq, didnt work..!!
Do you have any other suggestions for sorting the sam file (paired end data) by read name?
Firstly, try starting a new thread rather than just answering an almost year-old question with another question. Secondly, we can't help you if you just says "does not work" without providing any details. We're good, but we don't read minds.
Does 'samtools sort -n' properly handle paired end data with multiple alignments per read (e.g. rna-seq reads aligned by TopHat)?
Hi Malachi, i am having exactly the same problem. Did you sort out how to deal with this?
For htseq-count it won't actually matter as multimapping reads will be ignored in any case (htseq-count looks at the NH:i: auxiliary tag).
You have mentioned that SAM file has to be sorted but in the answer you have mentioned a BAM file. ??? Is that a TYPO ???